Pastor Keith Irey

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Keith talks about this new series! You won't want to miss this one. Click below to listen to past installments of this series and others! 

A Purpose Driven Life

What On Earth Am I Here For? 

We all long to know our purpose and feel like our life has real meaning and value. In this series and churchwide campaign, we look at God’s purposes for your life and how you can come to know and live it every day!




Level Up

Are you ready for a new level in your life? A better one, with more perks, more advantages, better direction? Want to keep leveling up? Join us for the next few weeks as we "Play" through the different levels in life and explore how to get to the next level!! 

Maxing Out Your Greatness

Powered Up Parenting

Restarting A Level

Pursuing Purity

Your Worship - Part 1

Your Worship - Part 2

Your Character with the 10 M's

My Money - God's Way

Deciding to Follow Jesus

Spiritual Habits

Jesus gives us a fresh start, but your future self is a result of the small decisions you make each day. In this series, we’ll see how just a few small habits can change how you see yourself today and can transform you into the person you want to be tomorrow.

Why They Matter

Creating New Habits

Breaking Bad Habits & Baptisms

Spiritual Habits of Effective People

Cross Words

As Easter approaches, this series will explore the often overlooked but profound benefits hidden in Jesus' words on the cross. Join us as we look at them and how Jesus unlocks tremendous blessings for our lives.





The New You

If you desire greater energy, clearer thinking, and spiritual vitality, this is the series for you. It will not only give you a checkup but will give strategies for improving the most important areas of your life






Advent - 'Tis The Season

This Advent season can mean different things to people. For some, this time of year is full of excitement and anticipation. For others, this season may remind them of profound loss – of someone they loved or a season that is over. No matter what “season” you feel you are in… this advent series is designed to help you be encouraged and find joy and God’s purpose.

"Tis The Season

Your Winter Season

When God Messes Up YOUR Plans

Why is Christmas So Important?

The Good Life

Jesus promised a full life to His followers in

 John 10:10. But sometimes a Christ follower

feels like life isn’t all that “abundant.” This series will look at what it means to really live

“The Good Life” as a follower of Christ.


Living Positively

Living Expectantly

Living Generously

Living Purposefully

Living  a Prophetic Lifestyle

Our Imperfect Family

Today, thanks to advanced photo filters and carefully crafted camera work in movies, everything looks so “perfect.” We may see those perfect images and start to feel like our life doesn’t measure up. But the truth is all families are IMPERFECT--even the church family! In this series we’ll look at those struggles, and how to make the most of your “imperfect family.”

5 Benifits of a Church Family

Raising Kids Not My Blood Pressure

Imperfect Church Family

Life Groups in God's Family

I Have Decided

Why Does Meeting Together Matter

The Joyful Journey

Many of us endure life rather than enjoying life. We think the joy comes when we get certain things, accomplish specific goals, or just when we get to heaven, but the Bible says God created us to be joyful people beginning right now. This series - "The Joyful Journey" - will explore the choices you can make to experience REAL JOY IN LIFE NO MATTER WHAT!

Joy In Our Relationships

How To Have Joy In Our Circumstances

The Attitude That Impacts My Altitude

Discipleship - Youth Sunday

A Message From God

How to Keep a Joy Filled Heart - Part 1

How to Keep a Joy Filled Heart - Part 2

Learning to be Joyful - No Matter What

Guest Speaker - Blaine Watkins - Complete Surrender

Daily Disiplines of Joy!

Resilient Life

What do you do when life doesn’t turn out the way you planned? What do you do when a relationship ends, someone wounds you deeply, or your health is failing? What do you do when you’re waiting, and hope seems to be running out? We’ll learn from the book of Daniel how to bounce back when life hits you hard!

What Does It Mean To Be Resilient?

Understanding Who's in Charge

Courageous Faith

Meeting God in the Fire


Shaped By Suffering

Listening in the Lion's Den

The Writing on the Wall


Love God's Way

What's your number one goal in life? To be happy? To succeed in your career? In 1 Corinthians 14:1, God says the dominant life value is "Let Love Be Your GREATEST Aim." In this series we will learn how to change the world, value our relationships, communicate from the heart, and love even when it's difficult. 

What's the Point of Life?

3 Laws of Love & Why Love Matters Most

Loving the Way Jesus Loves Me

Using My Words to Love

When "THEY" Are Hard To Love

Easily Angered or Loving?

Making Love Last

Sharing God's Love

Reboot: Starting Fresh

You may be feeling overwhelmed right now, or you may find yourself in a good season in life, but at some point, we all need a reboot in life. A reboot comes when God gives you a new beginning. This NEW series starting TODAY, will prepare you for the reboot your life needs, whenever you need it.

When You Need to Start Fresh in Life

Change My Mind = Life

Why the Change is Hard

The 4 Requirments for Lasting Change

3 Questions to Ask For Whatever Kind of Reboot You Need

Don't Miss the Miracle

Every year it happens – The Christmas Season. But do you ever get to the end of it all only to feel drained, discouraged, or depressed? That is NOT God’s plan for you THIS holiday season!

Join us for this Christmas series and “Don’t Miss the Miracle” this year!

Don't Miss the Miracle of Anticipation

Don't Miss the Miracle of Christ

Don't Miss the Miracle of Invitation

Don't Miss the Miracle of Christmas Day

The Kingdom Series

Jesus’ death and resurrection was only part of His mission; His overall mission was to bring the kingdom of God to earth! In this series, we’ll look at how to respond to his invitation to enter into the Kingdom and all it brings, with His power, presence, and reign, to our everyday lives. 

The Kingdom Explained

The Kingdom Hope

Kingdoms In Conflict

The Kingdom is Different

Kingdom Thinking Produces Kingdom Living

Kingdom Heroes

Living in an Unseen Kingdom

Kingdom Security

Being A Disciple of Jesus

How Much God Loves You


Transitions – Before something new can begin, something else must end. Sometimes we choose those endings, other times they choose us. They can bring pain, difficulty, and what feels like delay – but when we navigate them God’s way – it can bring change for the better. In this series we’ll talk about how to handle endings, beginnings, and the “in between."


Don't Get Stuck In The Middle

New Beginnings

Four Relationships You Need to Transform

Influencing Others For God Part 1

Influencing Others For God Part 2

Balancing Life's Demands

Are you feeling busy, burned out, & stretched to the limit? Does life seem a little out of balance? Come learn how to put first things first & find peace in the midst of chaos with “Balancing Life’s Demands.”

What Speed Can't Do

Repairing Ragged Relationships

There's More to Life - In Less

Sitting at the Feet of Jesus

Leaving A Legacy Series

Pastor Keith teaches on the Legacy we leave behind. What will you build? What will you leave for your children and children's children? We can change generations to come if we start now. Click on the link below to find out more. 

The Fight Series

In this series Pastor Keith tells us how to keep on fighting....for the things that matter most in your life. And how to win. Click on the link below to watch this one and more on The Fight! 

I Promise Series

God promises alot of things in the Bible. Can He truly keep them all? YES! He can! Want to now what God promises you? Click on the link below to find out more in this 12 week series! Join us on Sunday mornings at 10am for more like this!


Hey there! Thank you for stopping by our website. If you are searching for a good church, we know we are the place for you. Feel free to check out the "New Here" page linked below where you can find the answers to all your questions. If you have never been to our church before, come by this Sunday! We would love to get to know you. We want to see lives changed here by the power of Jesus Christ, and we see that happen every week when someone steps through our doors. We look forward to meeting you! God bless.